Last February 5 to 6, Convene joined Britain’s top housing professionals for the 2016 Board Members’ Conference in Lancaster Hotel, London.

The two-day conference served as an eventful forum not only to network with industry stalwarts, but also to discuss the most pertinent issues faced by the housing sector. Topics discussed included board mentoring in turbulent times, devolution, welfare reform changes brought by the Housing Bill and industry initiatives for the ageing British population.

The collective nature of housing was emphasised with sessions on the critical dynamics between chair and board, board and tenant, as well as housing associations and partners.

Board members also had the opportunity to improve practices related to good governance, accountability and organisational efficiency. Achieving these three aspects of board management are at the forefront of board portal solutions like Convene.

Convene lets executives enjoy paperless meetings that are streamlined from start to finish. With mobile collaboration, directors stay productive even when on the go. System-generated reports and audit trails help make boards more accountable and transparent.

Housing associations use Convene to raise standards of governance – making them responsive to and responsible for the needs of their organisations and stakeholders.

Curious about what board portals can do for your organisation? Drop us a line and we would be happy to answer your queries.

Where is Convene headed to next? Stay tuned for more information!