Single Sign-On (SSO): A Brief Overview
This paper highlights everything you should know about the Single Sign-On scheme, from its capabilities to its limitations. Learn here how SSO can be a great extra layer of security.

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In this guide, you’ll learn:
- I.
What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?
Corporates that store data and run operations online require a strong security system to safeguard a sensitive digital ecosystem. Single sign-on technology is one of those systems that offer great security and complete oversight through centralized access controls. Learn more here.
- II.
Why Use Single Sign-On In Your Business
Employing single sign-on into your company’s current user management system can provide you with an additional layer of security, diminishing the number of attack surfaces while meeting data access requirements. Other benefits of using SSO are listed in this paper.
- III.
Limitations of SSO
Much like every other security protocol, SSO also comes with certain risks and trade-offs that your company should take into account before investing in one. Luckily, there are numerous ways for you to deal with these drawbacks such as integrating MFA capabilities.
- IV.
How to Implement SSO
Revolving around a central server, the implementation of SSO involves a complex process of integrating with cloud applications and frameworks such as SAML and Kerberos. Discover more about SSO implementation and how Convene supports such security integration.
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