School Governance is no easy feat, and planning a lesson agenda is a very different task from planning a meeting agenda! Your time is limited enough, but here are the top 5 reasons why you should consider buying a Board Portal for your Senior Leadership Team in 2023/24.
- The use of pen and paper in meetings is a regular occurrence. Now more than ever, schools are committed to seeking ways to preserve our planet for future generations. Convene for Schools allows schools to go totally paperless for their meeting process.
- Meetings are a vital part of the operation of a school, with some schools having up to 4 meetings a week. With so many meetings taking place it can become a little overwhelming – having all your meetings on one platform, stored securely makes it easier to manage. Convene also makes it easier to set recurring meetings.
- Staff absences cause disruptions to meetings. Convene for Schools can alleviate the disruptions caused by absent staff at meetings. Not only are you able to view meeting packs whilst on the go, you are also able to make annotations and share them with everyone in the meeting.
- Security and confidentiality of documents. Some schools are sharing information via whatsapp and email, which can then be passed on. Convene for Schools allows the administrator to set permissions for who is allowed to view which document. Once in the app, participants cannot screenshot or forward the documents on. If a device is lost or stolen, it can also be wiped from the Convene for Schools portal.
- Tasks can be forgotten about following a meeting. Action points discussed in meetings can sometimes be forgotten about or not carried through. Convene provides an action point tool which allows the administrator to set tasks for the participants, which are then followed up with reminders.
Why Convene?
Trusted by over 300 academic institutions around the world, saving them around 100,000 pages of paper per month, Convene is the smart way for your teams to meet.
We know how important your top-level meetings are for establishing a direction for your institution.
Whether you’re a school, multi-academy trust, college, or university, the way you meet – increasingly in the digital sphere – is central to this. Whether you are concerned about moving towards paperless meetings, ensuring GDPR compliance or improving overall Governance standards, Convene can help you get the most out of your meetings process.
Convene is now also available fully integrated in Microsoft Teams, so your whole organisation can benefit from streamlined weekly meetings, and our intuitive Action Items!
If you would like to learn more please do not hesitate to get in contact, or book a demo now!