Buyer’s Guide to Board Management Software
Download this guide and find out the benefits of using board management software, tips for choosing the best one, and how Convene manages to be the go-to board management software today.

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In this guide, you’ll learn:
- I.
Board Management Software: Why is it needed?
Board management software or board portal is a digital tool primarily designed to streamline board activities like the meeting process — from scheduling meetings, creating agendas, to keeping information safe. Explore the benefits of using board management software for corporations, government, finance services, and nonprofits.
- II.
How to Choose the Right Board Management Software
Each board has different requirements when it comes to organizing its meetings and managing board activities. Whether you need a tool to maintain compliance or to simply boost your board’s productivity, find out here the key factors to consider when choosing the right board software.
- III.
Why Convene?
Convene is a board management software offering various tools to make communication and collaboration more seamless. The platform reduces the time for meeting preparations allowing users to set up board meetings, upload documents, request votes, and even create meeting agenda templates. Discover more about Convene:
- Features and Capabilities
- The Board Meeting Cycle with Convene
- Frequently Asked Questions About Convene
- What do companies and boards say about Convene?
Take your organization’s meetings to the next level
Learn how Convene can give your boards a superior meeting experience.
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