The stress and tasks for those working in the corporate world can be overwhelming at times, especially those working at the boardroom level. More than likely, there have been numerous times where you have had to skip a meal just to finish your essential tasks.
This shouldn’t be the case as food is very important to us.
Why Board Members Should Eat Healthy Food
For board directors, administrators, executives and secretaries who have arduous tasks, they must make sure that they eat nutritious food that will keep them healthy, focused, and productive. Food is a person’s fuel and those that experience tremendous stress must eat healthy dishes that stimulate the mind and improve productivity especially when preparing or holding board meetings.
This infographic will help you pick the best options for mealtime meetings that will ensure that you’re healthy while satisfied at the same time.

Eating Healthy Helps You Work Better
Everyone knows that focusing on work is just a necessity, but we shouldn’t forget that we also need to prioritize ourselves too. Studies show that eating healthy helps cognitive functions that allows people to work better. Imagine how the boardroom can perform better in terms of governance and decision making just by eating healthier.
Aside from food and gastronomy, another way to ensure productivity of one’s self with their task would be to use digital tools like Convene that can help meeting attendees become more efficient by enabling virtual collaboration and remote participation.
Though designed primarily to be a board portal solution, Convene can be used for all kinds of enterprise meetings, along with activities like training sessions and sales presentations.
Request a demo now and experience Convene firsthand that will help make your board meeting tasks easier.

Darren is the Content Director at Convene. Driven by his passion for content writing and knowledge of digitalization, he takes pride in providing content that helps drive digital transformation. Over the years, he has written blogs related to digital meetings, board management, and modern governance.